Lois Chan-Pedley 陳尚文
60 postsGreen School Board Trustee for District 39 - Vancouver. Student of nonviolent communication, martial arts, social justice, and parenthood. Superstar problem-solver, web developer, wundermother.
Blah to "I don't see gender"
OK folks, I have to vent a bit. Nothing new to see here if you're familiar with gender work and please feel free skip ahead to...
Why I opposed consulting on closing QEA
Last Monday there was a board vote on whether we should proceed to consult on the closure of the Queen Elizabeth Annex school. Ultimately I opposed it.
Back to school & A note on mental health
If you spoke to me earlier in the summer I may have told you that my mental health was in bad shape. I struggle with depression and was...
"trustee mentor"
"well you need one of those too"
Doing A Hard Thing (A martial arts post)
This is about martial arts and my own personal development, which may be of interest to you if you're curious about who I am and my thought processes.