Why I opposed consulting on closing QEA
Last Monday there was a board vote on whether we should proceed to consult on the closure of the Queen Elizabeth Annex school. Ultimately I opposed it.
Green School Board Trustee for District 39 - Vancouver. Student of nonviolent communication, martial arts, social justice, and parenthood. Superstar problem-solver, web developer, wundermother.
Last Monday there was a board vote on whether we should proceed to consult on the closure of the Queen Elizabeth Annex school. Ultimately I opposed it.
If you spoke to me earlier in the summer I may have told you that my mental health was in bad shape. I struggle with depression and was...
"well you need one of those too"
This is about martial arts and my own personal development, which may be of interest to you if you're curious about who I am and my thought processes.
At the last Special Open Board Meeting (May 6), we debated the revenue-generating proposals with the intention to let staff know whether they can include the revenue in the budget.
There's a perception that trustees make decisions in the board room in isolation; we only read reports and see spreadsheets, and if only we knew how important such and such a thing were (or if only we cared) we would make decisions that aligned with the results they're asking for.
I'm diverging a bit on politics because I had some really insightful conversations and experiences recently in a place I didn't expect such insight – the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium.
We discuss an admin procedure for naming and renaming schools. The Admin Procedure Working Group is seeking feedback on its draft considerations/guidelines.