Day in the Life of a Trustee
What does a trustee do in a day? I try to explain my day.
Green School Board Trustee for District 39 - Vancouver. Student of nonviolent communication, martial arts, social justice, and parenthood. Superstar problem-solver, web developer, wundermother.
What does a trustee do in a day? I try to explain my day.
Posting some questions and answers (for me) from before I was elected, but still relevant.
On December 17, we held our second "real" open board meeting and the last of 2018. The McGee Chamber Choir opened our evening with two carols...
There was a board meeting on November 26th, which was the first one where we had discussion and motions of substance. Trustee Allan Wong sprung a motion on...
This trustee chaired her first committee meeting (Finance Committee) last night. I focused primarily on making sure everyone, especially the non-trustee members, could have a chance to speak....
The staff is in the midst of working on a specific current issue, amongst other regularly scheduled work that they were supposed to do. I'm trying to wrap my head around all the moving pieces and don't know my path forward yet.
Nearly all the candidates in this election are describing themselves as "collaborative." I'm one of them. I want to write a bit about what it means to me, and what it would look like in reality.