Partisan politics, with less partisan
I want to see less party politics, and more collaboration from all points of view to make the world better. At one point I got asked this bombshell: "Do you think it's possible?"
Green School Board Trustee for District 39 - Vancouver. Student of nonviolent communication, martial arts, social justice, and parenthood. Superstar problem-solver, web developer, wundermother.
I want to see less party politics, and more collaboration from all points of view to make the world better. At one point I got asked this bombshell: "Do you think it's possible?"
Two days ago, with days left in the candidate nomination process, Vision's mayoral candidate Ian Campbell dropped out of the race. Vancouverites have a lot of...
In correct chronology, this story begins with me swearing at Mr Fishtron, but to make sense of it, I'm going to jump ahead to this most...
Last month I went to Activate, conference-retreat and, as was the case last time at Hollyhock, I underwent a transformative experience. Last time the setting was different—it...
Many of my friends (and clients too!) roll in social justice circles. We discuss feminism and equality and all the wonderful things that happen in the world. They&...
There's an illness in the family and our collective resources got stretched pretty thin. My schedule was thrown out of whack, while simultaneously my workload increased...